Please join us 10:20 AM Monday, Oct 30 for the next installment of Inside the Writers (Haunted) House: Nightmare Edition, when Writers House instructor Alex Dawson talks with bestselling horror author Lauren Beukes about her brand new novel Bridge and her AppleTV series The Shining Girls (starring Elisabeth Moss).
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LAUREN BEUKES is the award-winning author of six novels, a collection of short stories, a pop history about South African women, and several New York Times best-selling comics, including Fairest: The Hidden Kingdom, a Japanese horror remix of Rapunzel with artist Inaki. Her work has been translated into 26 languages and won prizes across genres from the Arthur C. Clarke Award to the Strand Critics Choice award. Her novel, The Shining Girls, about a time-travelling serial killer and the survivor who turns the hunt around is now a major AppleTV series with Elisabeth Moss. Her latest novel, Bridge, about a young woman’s search for her mother across realities is out now. Stephen King calls her work "smart" and "thrilling" and George Martin labeled her a "major, major talent." She lives in London.
ON DECK: Jonathan Maberry (V-Wars) - 2:00 PM, Tues. Oct 31. For more info re: Inside the Writers House, including this semester's full calendar, click HERE.