Join us right here in Murray Hall:
For more information on Rutgers Day in genera, you can visit:
Bring your family and friends for a fun-filled day of discovery on Rutgers' campuses in New Brunswick and Piscataway. Sample activities include:
Agriculture and the Environment: Get gardening tips, buy a plant, visit a petting zoo, learn about nature, tour the Rutgers Gardens
Culture and Humanities: Take a historic tour, visit our museums, listen to a storyteller, create your own masterpiece, drink espresso with a philosopher
International Programs: Hear world music, sample ethnic foods, watch craftspeople at work and purchase their creations
Science and Sports: Explore new technologies, have fun with physics, practice martial arts, get tips for healthy living
So you can plan your day, check back here in the beginning of April for more information and directions. Admission, parking, and on-campus shuttles are free.