*Prerequisite: 351:211 or 351:212 or permission of instructor.

Section Instructor Day/Period Building Campus
01 Svich M/2,3 AB-2200


Students study different playwriting genres throughout the course, and the course features thoughtful reading choices that reflect in-class discussions.Dynamic, visceral, exciting. This is what writing for the stage and live performance are all about. In this class, you will explore, character, setting, site-specific work, and the poetry of writing imaginatively and without fear for live presentation. Whether you're interested in theatre, dance, or music, this workshop is designed to creatively unleash your imagination and explore the unique challenges of thinking about and making live work.


Period numbers/times for all campuses :

1   8:30 AM to 9:50 AM

2  10:20 AM to 11:40 AM

3  12:10 PM to 1:30 PM

4  2 PM to 3:20 PM

5  3:50 PM to 5:10 PM

6  5:40 PM to 7 PM

7  7:30 PM to 8:50 PM

8  9:20 PM to 10:40 PM